Swedish silver works, oval table bowl on 4 legs by Anders Nilsson, Lund.

Item number: 597711

Beautiful and well-kept oval bowl with openwork edges on 4 legs of Swedish silver from year 1917 (P7), by silversmith Anders Nilsson, Lund (B. 7.9.1870 - D 23.2.1935).
H 7.2cm - L 22cm
Weight 250 gram
Hallmarks: A. Nilsson - 3 Crowns - S - P7
Item number: s-Sølvskål af A.Nilsson, Lund

Price: 1,475.- DKK
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Michelsen saucepan with handle of Danish silver 925S

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Nice and well- kept large table bowl or fruit bowl Ö 25 cm of Danish three Towers silver from Cohr, Denmark.

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